There are many ways to get involved in the Pennsylvania chapter!
- Recommend a colleague to join PAFP and AAFP. Do you know a family physician, resident or colleague that you think would advocate for family physicians? The larger the membership we have, the stronger our voice is. There is strength in numbers! Share this link with a friend.
- Volunteer to serve on a committee, or represent your peers at the PAFP Annual Meeting. For detailed information about leadership opportunities, click here.
- Work with the PAFP-PAC to assist with bi-partisan efforts to identify and elect legislators who care about issues that affect family physicians.
- Attend a PAFP live conference event or participate in a PAFP Foundation event.
- Stay connected on the PAFP Facebook and Twitter pages.
- Add to the PAFP knowledge base. Write an article for Keystone Physician magazine or offer to present at a CME conference.
- Nominate a colleague for one of the PAFP's prestigious annual awards that celebrate excellence in family medicine. Help your Academy identify and recognize outstanding family physicians!
- Donate to the PAFP Foundation. Invest in the future of family medicine by making a tax-deductible donation today. This can go to Foundation education programs, resident and student initiatives, or scholarship programs.
- Contact your legislators about important issues facing family physicians.